Recently the 2011 summer edition of NIKON WORLD arrived at our CHERIEFOTO STUDIO door AND TO OUR SURPRISE THERE ON THE COVER WAS ONE OF OUR IMAGES… IT’s one of our favorite images shot downtown Los Angeles’ Union Station with the NIKON D700 and the new NIKON 24-120 Zoom Lens….this shot was also one of many images we made for the brochure for the then New Nikon D700, which we shot and helped produce for Nikon before the D700 was first released….
Way back when I got my first 35 mm camera, it was A Nikon F film camera, one of my dreams was to get an image on the pages of Nikon World…The quarterly publication produced by Nikon USA and available by subscription.
Well in the current issue of Nikon World magazine, Cherie and I have 10 images…we are so excited…
NIKON WORLD was one of many photographic publications that we sent our images to across the USA and Canada. and we currently also have an ad Advertorial with Nikon USA which is in the new issue of RANGEFINDER magazine.
Everyday we are so excited to do what we do at Cheriefoto because we are relentless in our pursuit of making compelling and award
winning images… so we are always coming up with new ideas and finding new ways to execute them, so we rent gear
that we don’t have, to try out to help keep us tuned at the top of our game.
We know that marketing may be the most important part of our business but Cherie and I are big on technique so we experiment a lot with different lights and lenses to add to our basic kit which consist of Nikon D3, D700 and D7000 bodies and a stack of Nikon speed lights….On these bodies we can fit just about every Nikon lens ever made, we have the basic Nikon zooms but lately we have been shooting with all the new fast prime lenses that Nikon has been releasing : 24mm f1.4, 35mm f1.4, 50mm f1.4, 85mm 1.4, even though we have several zooms that cover that range.
These fast lenses along with the Nikon D3, D3S and D700 can shoot in extreme low light at ISO 6400 and get exceptional results with very little noise with the images we capture…. and I find myself shooting at ISO 1600 regularly, like the way we used to shoot Tri-X film, except with much better control over the exposure.
These tools are helping us push the boundaries of photography and helps us to create images that were never before possible….thank you Nikon!