The best way to rid yourself of nerves before an event that makes you anxious is to be totally prepared. If your boudoir photo shoot has you feeling a little intimidated, you can rest easy knowing your boudoir experience is going to be a fabulous one. Following just a few simple tips to prepare for your shoot will have you feeling glamorous and confident! Your boudoir photography Las Vegas experience will go smoothly and be way more fun!
Haircuts and Waxing
In the 2 weeks leading up to your appointment make sure you do all the things that make you feel the most confident about your appearance. If you like a fresh haircut, a root touch up, or an eyebrow wax be sure to schedule these things about a week or two before your photo shoot. This gives you time to adjust any inconsistencies or mistakes in your hair cut before the big day. If you're planning to have any other waxing done, make sure you do this several days before your shoot to eliminate any lingering redness.
Test Out Your Accessories
Trying to wrap a string of pearls around your neck sexily for the first time can feel awkward and, even silly. Play around with what accessories you are planning to bring ahead of time to see how they feel in your hands and what you feel comfortable doing. Jewelry, shoes, hairpiece, and hats are all great ideas to test out.
Plenty of water in the days leading up to your shoot will leave your skin with a healthy, happy, glow. Try to avoid things that will dehydrate your skin like coffee and alcohol.
Moisturize your skin, get plenty of sleep and eat a healthy breakfast. Doing these things as part of your morning routine will make you feel ready to tackle anything, even your boudoir shoot.
Pick Out Your Wardrobe
Decide what you're going to wear at your shoot, but also what you will wear to your shoot. You'll want loose-fitting clothing to wear to your appointment, so you don't have any indentations from the elastic on your skin when it comes time for your photos. (This means AVOID wearing socks to your appointment!) Try every outfit on before the shoot so that you know the tiny details of the outfit. Some are a little tricky to say the least!Pick things to wear for the photos that make you feel sexy. This doesn't necessarily mean you need all lingerie either. Think about how you feel in your favorite pair of jeans, your best bra, your highest heels. What makes you feel amazing? Also let's cover up things that you do not like about your body. That way you will feel way more comfortable. A sexy shaper is always a great pick for the stomach area if that is not a fav spot.
Pack Your Bag
Get everything ready a few days before your appointment. This will help you to have time to remember everything you might have missed. Another good idea is to pack extra of everything. You'd had to arrive only to realize you had a run in your only pair of stockings.
Get To Know Your Photographer
And finally, one of the most important things you should do prior to your session is to communicate all your fears, anxieties, and hang-ups with me ahead of time. When communicating prior to your session, we will discuss everything. You'll let me know what kinds of images you like, what parts of your body you think are the most beautiful, and what types of poses you'd want to capture among other things. The more you communicate, the more comfortable you will feel and the better your images will turn out! We are in this together!